Masjid Negara

Masjid Negara

Islam is the official religion is Malaysia while people from all walks of life are free to practice other faiths like Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism, among others.

National Islamic mosque of Malaysia

The National Mosque, or Masjid Negara is the most iconic building which exudes the Islam heritage and faith among Malaysians. Located in the city centre of Kuala Lumpur this building was established in 1965 and is built to accommodate up to 15,000 people at any time. It is the official mosque of the country and plays an important role for Muslims in Malaysia.

World-class design and architecture

The National Mosque was designed by Howard Ashley, Hisham Albakri and Baharuddin Kassim which is built on top 13 acres of land that cover some very lush and beautiful landscapes. Its bold and modern design makes it one of the most amazing buildings in the country which comes with a minaret enacted up to 73-meters high and a 16-pointed star roof.

Located near to attractions in Kuala Lumpur

Masjid Negara plays an important role in establishing the Islamic culture in the country where it located not far from several other prominent buildings in Kuala Lumpur like the Sultan Abdul Samad Building, Dayabumi building, the Old KL Railway station and the very popular Dataran Merdeka. Meanwhile, the Makam Pahlawan or the Heroes’ Mausoleum is located near here which is the burial ground of some prominent figures.
From Masjid Negara, you can easily get to these places around the vicinity by foot including Central Market. If you are looking to visit places further, there are public transportation at nearby train and bus stations like KL Sentral, Pasar Seni train station and the Klang Bus Stand.